This week, Kazuko made a 3-material Shoka arrangement for the Kimono Show at TACtile, originally planned with Rush and Wild Iris from nearby ditch and Anthrium, for summer cheerfulness. Unfortunately, Anthrium was not available. And, Blue Hosta which was blooming everywhere outside the house was used instead.
The result was a very calm and simple “Natural Beauty.”
Tag Archives: SHoka
Shoka flower arrangement for the Kimono Show at TACtile
This weekend’s Kazuko’s Shoka flower arrangement for the 2nd week of TACtile Kimono Show is One-Material Shoka using Veronica.
There was to be a tea celemony during this weekend at TACtile. So, Kazuko thought a quiet shoka was more appropriate than Rikka for the event.
Front View:
3-Material Shoka at Colorado Garden & Home Show 2013
Kazuko exhibited a 3-material Shoka for Colorado Garden & Home Show (February 15 – 17, 2013) at Colorado Convention Center, using Plum branches with flower buds, Tipi Ferns and Anthuriun.
Narcissus Shoka
4504We practiced two-stem Japanese Narcissus Shoka = “Denka” arrangement on February 5, 2013, by using common Paperwhite Narcissus.
Unlike Japanese Narcissus, which is very hard to get here in Colorado at this time of the year, Paperwhite has a lot shorter and softer leaves. So, we were able to make only a very small arrangement, about one-foot tall. It was just a practice to maintain HAKAMA (white seath at the bottom) to show Narcissus’ Shussho (original character).
Students enjoyed a bit time-consuming process of this “Denka.”
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