“Tsuri-Bana” ensemble at Annual Consulate General of Japan Year-end Party on December 11th, 2017

Every 3 years, I am asked to present my flower arrangement at the annual Consulate General of Japan Year-end party. My turn had once again came this year.

I wanted to showcase a “Tsuri-Bana” using Mangetsu (Full moon) container.
It is a simple (Wabi Sabi) arrangement.
But, the size is small, and I have to have something to hang the Mangetsu container.

So, I decided to make a Byoubu (paper-screen room devider) Japanese screen with windows.
I had brought Japanese Fusuma paper with flower patterns from Japan, with which I made the two-fold Japanese Byoubu. It took about a week to make this byoubu from scratch.
The windows are shaped in hexagonal shapes, indicating Ikenobo’s Rokkaku-do Temple in Kyoto, Japan, the originating place of Japan’s Ikebana flower arrangement more than 550 years ago in 1460’s.

Because Mangetsu container is made of copper, I wanted to use a gold-colored container and a silver-colored container to complete Gold, Silver and Copper theme.

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“Awase-Shin Rikka” at Annual Consulate General of Japan Year-end Party on December 10th, 2014

Every December, Consulate General of Japan holds an annual party at Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel. It is a time to thank the good relationship between local officers, business people, and others with Japan. The event is also called the Emperor’s Birthday Party, commemorating the current emperor’s birthday on December 23rd.

Through Ikebana International Denver Chapter (#66), one of senior teachers from three of Japanese Ikebana Schools, Sogetsu, Ohara and Ikenobo, are asked to present flower arrangements for this event by Consulate General of Japan, taking turns every three years.

This year was my turn. Three years ago, I had a Rikka Sunamono arrangement.
Rikka Sunamono flower arrangement at the Year-end Party held by Consulate General of Japan at Denver – December 2nd, 2011

This year, I had an inspiration from the Emperor and his wife as a couple, who turned 81 years old and 80 respectively.
To show the respect for the Emperor couple, I had prepared the Awase-Shin Rikka, which uses two different types of pines combined for Sugu-Shin, the middle tall pine(s), and is presented at a formal, happy occasion such as a wedding ceremony. “Awase-Shin” means the “Combined, Coupled, Together, United”. Normally in Japan, Black Pine as a symbol for male and Red Pine as a symbol for female are used to construct the “Awase-Shin”. But, in Colorado, I used the local Ponderosa pine and Mugo pine for this arrangement because I could not obtain Black and Red pines.
I hope this combination-arrangement shows the respect for the Emperor couple and wishes both Emperor’s and his wife’s longevity.

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3-material Shoka arrangement for the Kimono Show at TACtile

This week, Kazuko made a 3-material Shoka arrangement for the Kimono Show at TACtile, originally planned with Rush and Wild Iris from nearby ditch and Anthrium, for summer cheerfulness. Unfortunately, Anthrium was not available. And, Blue Hosta which was blooming everywhere outside the house was used instead.
The result was a very calm and simple “Natural Beauty.”

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Rikka flower arrangement for the opening of Kimono Show at TACtile

Kazuko was asked to present the flower arrangement for the Opening of Kimono Show at TACtile, Textile Arts Center at 1955 South Quince Street in Denver from June 28 through June 29, 2013. She presented this Rikka (Kusamono Rikka).

She will teach the Oshi-E workshop classs from 1pm to 3pm on July 21, 2013, and the Furoshiki workshop classs at TACtile from 1pm to 3pm on August 3, 2013.

Please see sample Furoshiki wrapping pictures on
Furoshiki : Japanese Art of Wrapping

please see
Upcoming exhibits and Classes at TACtile
for workshop details. Please call TACtile to reserve a seat.

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Ikebana Flower Arrangement Demonstration at Japan Day at CU

Kazuko made a Ikebana Flower Arrangement demonstration in front of about 50 CU students and other visitors at Japan Day at CU, organized by the Japanese Student Association & Cultural Events Board. This year, the event was held on March 10, 2013 at Glenn Miller Ballroom. She has been asked to provide Ikebana classes or demonstration for the last several years.

Soprry, I didn’t take any pictures at the actual event.

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15th-Century-style Sunamono Rikka arrangement made for inaugural meeting of North American Japanese Garden Association

The inaugural meeting of North American Japanese Garden Association (NAJGA) was held on October 12-14, 2012 in Denver.

NAJGA asked the Ikebana International Chaper 66 (Denver Chapter) for flower arrangements at the dinner ceremony.
As a member of the Ikebana International Chaper 66, Kazuko made this 15th-Century-style Sunamono Rikka arrangement. This is not a Bonsai! The pine tree consists of branches cut from lodgepole pines by Kazuko’s student, Bill Stufflebeem, from his land in the Colorado mountains. They are cut and assembled to look like a natural beauty of the tree, with screws and hidden nails.
It took about two days to prepare and build this arrangement, with a table saw for a sharp straight cut of the main trunk, an electric saw, an electric drill, an electric screw driver, and other power tools.

Kazuko does the final adjustment on site.

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